
Legislative Report Week 4

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Legislative Report Week 4

February 7, 2025

Photo Credits: House Media Services 

Week 4 Under the Gold Dome

This week, the General Assembly convened for legislative days 10-13 beginning on Monday, February 3rd, and concluding the week on Thursday, February 6th. We are officially over a quarter of the way through the 2025 legislative session and are optimistic about the remainder of the year. The legislature has put forth many proposals that would be beneficial for the agriculture industry. We must continue to engage with elected officials to ensure these proposals make it to the Governor's desk, as some have a challenging path forward.


On Tuesday February 4th, and Wednesday, February 5th, our friends at Georgia Agribusiness Council, GAC, hosted their annual reception and legislative breakfast. It was a great time to connect with our friends from different agribusinesses across the state. This year, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce partnered with GAC to kickoff Rural Day at the Capitol by participating in the legislative breakfast. President and CEO of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, Chris Clark, gave remarks highlighting the partnership between the two organizations and their shared vision in strengthening rural Georgia.


Next week the General Assembly will reconvene on Monday, February 10th, for legislative day 14. As we get deeper into the legislative session, be on the lookout for action alerts and ways to engage as movement begins on important issues.

Take Action - Georgians Need Tort Reform

This legislative session, Governor Kemp has been adamant that his office will be fighting for commonsense, comprehensive tort reform. Georgia Farm Bureau is eager to help the Governor push for his legislative package but know it will take the strength of grassroots organizations to pass. We need strong advocates in communities across the state to be a loud voice to your state representatives and senators. We encourage all our members to contact your elected officials with one unified message - Georgians need tort reform now.


There is strong opposition among some legislators, who have prevented previous attempts of tort reform. We need farmers and rural communities to step up and make your voice heard on this issue. We strongly encourage you to call or text your state representative and senator urging them to support Governor Kemp's proposal. Also, you can utilize the action alert below, by clicking the button, to send a pre-written email your legislators. For additional information, an overview of tort reform proposals can be found here.

Governor Kemp Releases Hurricane Helene Relief Bill

This week, Representative James Burchett (R-Waycross) introduced HB 223, Governor Kemp's Hurricane Relief Package. We are eager to get to work on this bill and appreciate the Governor's leadership bringing relief to the agriculture industry. The bill is composed of three proposals which are all tax policies.


First, the bill proposes for federal disaster assistance payments for agricultural losses due to Hurricane Helene be exempt from the state income tax. Currently, federal assistance is still subject to state and federal income tax. This would help guarantee more relief dollars are staying in the pockets of those who need it most.


Second, the bill proposes a tax credit for the clean-up or replanting of trees used in the commercial production of food, wood, or wood products. This tax credit is similar to the credit issued after Hurricane Micheal and applies to the 66 counties included in the renewal of Governor Kemp's Executive Order No. The taxpayer claiming the credit can claim up to $400 per acre and the tax credit is both transferable and refundable. Click here for a link to the Governor Kemp's executive orders to see if your county is included.


Third, the bill proposes a sales tax exemption through the GATE program for building materials used in the repair of buildings used exclusively for the production of animals like poultry houses and livestock barns. This exemption would only be applicable from enactment of the legislation to end of year 2025.


Georgia Farm Bureau is working diligently to ensure this bill adequately addresses the needs of farmers. We would encourage you to reach out to your elected officials and let them know what needs to be included in the Hurricane Relief package or contact the Public Policy Department at GFB.

Ag Water Metering Legislation 

This week, HB 143 by Representative Robert Dickey (R-Musella) was assigned to the House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment. This bill looks to simplify the metering process for agricultural water withdrawals, give the Environmental Protection Division, EPD, the power to meter wells it deems necessary, and bring more farmers into compliance with EPD regulations for metering requirements. 


Georgia Farm Bureau is supportive of this measure and appreciates the work EPD continues to do to bring water resources to farmers. This measure will save farmers money and take away the headache of ensuring every well is metered. EPD will have the ability to strategically chose which wells need to be metered and will take on the cost associated with metering those wells. This effort is possible because of the tedious work EPD continues to do to provide water to farmers while sustaining a healthy capacity and stewarding our resources.

House Releases AFY25 Budget

On Thursday, February 6th, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Matt Hatchet (R-Dublin), presented the Amended Fiscal Year 2025 budget, HB 67, to the House chamber. The bill included funding for many of the House priorities this year like Hurricane Helene relief, school safety, and transportation infrastructure. One important item included for farmers is the increased funding to the Department of Natural Resources for the venison donation program, Hunters for the Hungry. Last year, GFB was instrumental in lobbying for this funding, and we were excited to see the House further their commitment to controlling the deer population.


The Senate will begin hearings on the AFY25 budget next week. Our focus on the amended budget is to ensure relief for Hurricane Helene remains a top priority. Below, you can find highlights from the AFY25 budget related to agriculture that the House added to the Governor's initial proposal.


Department of Agriculture 

  • $150,00,000 million to the Georgia Development Authority for Hurricane Helene disaster relief assistance low interest loans.

One Georgia

  • $10,000,000 to increase funds for Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

Department of Natural Resources 

  • $200,000 to increase funds ($500,000 total) for processing of venison donations.

Georgia EMC Presents on Reliable Energy 

On Tuesday, February 4th, Chris Stephens, President and CEO of Coweta-Fayette EMC, shared key updates at a joint hearing of the House Special Committee on Resource Management and House Committee on Energy, Utilities, and Telecommunications. Among the 50 states, Georgia ranks 11th for the lowest average retail electricity price at 14 cents per kWh. He provided the committees with a briefing on the strong position and promising outlook of Georgia's 41 EMCs.


To read the full article and more about our partners at Georgia EMC and the work they do to provide reliable, affordable energy to Georgians, click here.

GFB Day at the Capitol

Mark your calendars for February 11th as we prepare for Georgia Farm Bureau Day at the Capitol. We encourage all our members to attend and take this opportunity to advocate for our state's number one industry and the farm families that are the backbone of our state. The event will begin at 9:30am in the Blue Room, and attendees will have the opportunity to hear from elected officials and leadership about the work going on this year to support agriculture. 

Action this Week

HB 192: 

Reps. Gambill, McDonald III, Hong, Dubnik, and Wade

This bill intends to enhance Georgia's education laws and enhance the connection between Georgia's secondary and post-secondary institutions. This bill includes updates to the High-Demand Career List, creates new industry-aligned education programs in collaboration with the TCSG and the USG, expands funding for dual-enrollment and CTAE courses, and expands transferability of credits between the university systems in the state. 

Assigned to House Education Committee(02/04/2025)


HB 201: 

Reps. Bell, Hagan, Huddleston, Stinson, and Cox 

This bill proposes an outright ban on selling, distributing, or trading lab-grown meat in the state of Georgia. 

Assigned to House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee(02/04/2025)


HB 211

Reps. Carpenter, Ridley, Tarvin, Barton, and Cameron 

This bill intends to remove the ability to sue users of PFAS if the users are following the instructions as directed and using the chemicals as prescribed. 

Assigned to House Judiciary Committee (02/04/2025)


HB 223: 

Reps. Burchett, Efstration, Hong, Gambill, and others 

This bill intends to provide relief for hurricane by exempting federal disaster relief payments for agricultural loses from state income tax, providing a tax credit for eligible timber loses at $400 per acre, and exempts building materials used for repairing poultry and livestock barns from sales tax. 

Assigned to House Ways & Means Committee (02/05/2025)


HB 228: 

Reps. Horner, Ridley, Cannon, Ridley, Cox, and others

This bill requires farmstead manufacturing plants, defined as a facility on a farm that processes its own milk, to get a dairy manufacturer's license. The bill defines farmstead products as limited to class II-IV dairy products. Farmsteads that produce class II-IV dairy products are exempt from certain licensing and inspection requirements. 

Assigned to House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee (02/05/2025)


HB 233: 

Reps. Townsend, DeLoach, Sainz, Burchett, Hagan and others

This bill intends to designate Brunswick stew as the official state stew. 

Assigned to House Ways & Means Committee (02/05/2025)


HB 249:

Reps. Dickey, Anderson, Huddleston, Drenner, and Campbell

This bill intends to alter solar energy agreements to include decommissioning agreements that include language to require the solar energy company to return the land to its previous state and provide financial assurance to do so. It also requires solar developers to obtain permission from the EPD before beginning construction and gives the EPD general oversight of the project. 

Assigned to House Natural Resources & the Environment Committee (02/05/2025)


HB 260:

Reps. Reeves, Blackmon, Camp, Donnatucci, Silcox, and others 

This bill raises the homestead exemption for ad valorem taxes from $2,000 to $5,000

Assigned to House Ways & Means Committee (02/05/2025)


HB 297: 

Reps. Anderson, Rhodes, Meeks, Williams, Huddleston, and others

This bill makes some changes to the definition of an "multi-purpose off highway vehicle" and removes the ad valorem tax on said vechkcles starting on January 1st, 2025. 

Assigned to House Ways & Means Committee (02/06/2025)


HR 121: 

Reps. Camp, Mathiak, Smith, Jenkins, and Dickey

This resolution recognizes John W. Mixon and dedicates a building in his honor. 

Read and Adopted


SB 68:

Sens. Kennedy, Gooch, Robertson, Anivatarte, Walker III, and others 

This bill is part of the Governor's tort reform package.

Assigned to Senate Judiciary Committee (02/03/2025)


SB 69:

Sens. Kennedy, Gooch, Robertson, Anavitarte, Hatchett, and others 

This bill is the second bill in the Governor's tort reform package.

Assigned to Senate Judiciary Committee (02/03/2025)


SB 102:

Sens. Robertson, Payne, Hufstetler, Williams, Albers, and others

This bill intends to ban cock and dog fighting as well as provide punishment for exposing those activities to a minor. 

Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee (02/06/2025)


SB 105:

Sens. Anivitarte, Watson, Goodman, Echols, Hatchett and others

This bill allows licensed practicing veterinarians to provide consultations using telecommunications. To provide telemedicine the veterinarian must be licensed in Georgia and meet all requirements provided in this bill. 

Assigned to Senate Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee (02/06/2025)


SR 69:

SensGinn, Summers, Goodman, Watson, Dixon, and others 

This resolution commends the Georgia FFA Association and recognizes February 18, 2025, as FFA Day at the state capitol. 

Read and Adopted


SR 70:

Sens. Ginn, Echols, Watson, Hufstetler, Anavitarte, and others

This resolution recognizes and commends the University of Georgia Block and Bridle Club on the

occasion of its 50th Great Southland Stampede Rodeo. 

Read and Adopted


SR 76:

Sens. Anderson, Watson, Goodman, Summers, Walker III, and others

This resolution congratulates Robert L. Strother, the 2023-2024 Georgia Logger of the Year. 

Read and Adopted


SR 117:

Sens. Goodman, Anderson, Jackson, Burns, Setzler, and others

This resolution designates February 11, 2025 as Georgia Farm Bureau Federation day at the capitol.

Read and Adopted


SR 133: 

Sens. Gooch, Kennedy, Cowsert, Beach, and Goodman 

This resolution designates February 10, 2025 as Georgia EMC day at the capitol.

Read and Adopted

Bills of Interest

To stay updated on all the bills GFB is tracking, check out our newly updated bill tracker under the Action Center on the Georgia Farm Bureau website. There you will be able to find all the bills that we are following, a summary of the bill, the bill sponsors, and the most recent action. Click the button below to be redirected to our bill tracker.

Thank you for taking an active role in staying up-to-date and informed on the developments at our State Capitol. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to any of our Public Policy Department Staff and we will be happy to assist you. 


  • Alex Bradford, Director
  • Adam Belflower, State Affairs Manager
  • Raynor Churchwell, Agricultural Programs Manager
  • Renee Jones, Operations Coordinator
  • Amelia Junod,  Advocacy and Policy Development Specialist
  • Chase McClure, Governmental Affairs Specilaist
  • Ben Parker, National Affairs Coordinator
  • Jeremy Taylor, Agricultural Programs Specialist


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